Find a Shared Ownership home, Help to Buy home, or rental home.
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Eligibility Info
To be eligible to purchase a Shared Ownership home
Your annual household income can be no more than £90,000
You should be unable to purchase a home suitable for your needs without assistance.
You must not have any outstanding credit issues (i.e. unsatisfied defaults or county court judgments).
You must be a first time buyer. If you already own a home and need to move but cannot afford to, please contact us. There may be some circumstances under which you could be eligible.
How do we calculate the 'estimated total monthly cost' for each property?
The ‘Estimated total monthly cost’ for a Shared Ownership property consists of three separate elements added together:
Rent: this is charged on the share you do not own and is usually payable to a housing association (rent is not generally payable on shared equity schemes)
Service Charge: covers maintenance costs for the property as a whole and communal areas
Mortgage: Share to Buy ltd are specialist Shared Ownership mortgage brokers and we use a database of daily updated mortgage rates to work out the lowest rate available for the deposit amount shown, and then generate an estimated monthly payment on a 25 year capital repayment basis.
NB: this mortgage estimate is not confirmation that you can obtain a mortgage and you will also need to satisfy the requirements of the relevant mortgage lender. Nor is this a guarantee that in practice you would be able to apply for such a rate, and nor is this a recommendation that the rate used would be the best product for you.
Shared Ownership Resales
Shared Ownership Resales: Also known as part buy part rent on second hand homes, with this affordable home ownership scheme you purchase a share of the property and rent the remainder from the housing provider.
Shared Ownership
Shared Ownership New Build: Also known as part buy part rent, with this affordable home ownership scheme you purchase a share of a brand new property and rent the remainder from the housing provider. The price shows the minimum share available, and the size of the share you purchase will depend on what you can afford.
Intermediate Rent
Affordable housing scheme: Intermediate Rent (pay a discounted rent)
Rent to Save
Affordable housing scheme: Rent to Save (pay a discounted rent).
Rent to save is designed to enable aspiring home-owners to move into the home they have chosen, even if they have not yet been able to save a sufficient mortgage deposit. As the rent will be at a lower than market rate, you will be able to save throughout the period of your tenancy.
For people aged 55 or over who are otherwise unable to afford to buy a home suitable to their needs. The scheme is similar to Shared Ownership and enables you to buy a 75% share of the home or apartment.
Your Home
Affordable housing scheme: Your Home
Turn any freehold property into part-buy-part-rent with Your Home. You simply need 10% cash deposit on the full purchase price, there’s no need for a mortgage and you can buy more or move at any time plus added benefits. To find out more contact Heylo via the property page
Discount Market Sale
Affordable housing scheme: Discount Market Sale
Discount Market Sale (DMS) is a low cost home ownership product where a new build property is purchased at a discounted price. This discount is usually around 20% and the scheme is to help low and middle earners get onto the property ladder.
Help to Buy
Affordable housing scheme: Help to Buy equity loans (100% ownership but with a 20% equity loan)
Buy a new home on an approved new build development with assistance from the Government in the form of an equity loan. The equity loan is interest free for the first five years.
Shared Equity
Affordable housing scheme: Help to Buy equity loans (100% ownership with a 40% equity loan)
Buy a new home on an approved new build development with assistance from the Government in the form of an equity loan. The equity loan is interest free for the first five years.
Discount Full Ownership
Affordable housing scheme: Discount Full Ownership (100% ownership at a discount)
Shared Ownership Resales
Affordable Housing Scheme: London Help to Buy equity loan (100% ownership with up to 40% loan)
Borrow up to 40% of the purchase price from the Government with the London Help to Buy scheme. You would only need a 5% deposit and your mortgage would make up the rest.
The ‘Estimated total monthly cost’ for a Shared Ownership property consists of three separate elements added together:
Rent: this is charged on the share you do not own and is usually payable to a housing association (rent is not generally payable on shared equity schemes)
Service Charge: covers maintenance costs for the property as a whole and communal areas
Mortgage: Share to Buy ltd are specialist Shared Ownership mortgage brokers and we use a database of daily updated mortgage rates to work out the lowest rate available for the deposit amount shown, and then generate an estimated monthly payment on a 25 year capital repayment basis.
NB: this mortgage estimate is not confirmation that you can obtain a mortgage and you will also need to satisfy the requirements of the relevant mortgage lender. Nor is this a guarantee that in practice you would be able to apply for such a rate, and nor is this a recommendation that the rate used would be the best product for you.
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